
5 Most Common Dog Behavior Problems: Chasing

Category Archives: The 5 Most Common Dog Behavior Problems

By Jim Tedford, Director of Animal Affairs and Alliances While it may not be the nicest way to think of our dogs, we share our lives and our homes with predators! Thankfully, most are far enough removed from their wild … Continue reading →


5 Most Common Dog Behavior Problems: Digging

By Jim Tedford, Director of Animal Affairs and Alliances Have you ever ventured out into your backyard and found yourself impressed by the great deal of progress made in digging your new swimming pool? That is, until you realized that … Continue reading →


The 5 Most Common Dog Behavior Problems: Begging

By Dean Vickers Alright, I confess my dogs are terrible beggers.  Depending on the amount and type of food being solicited, begging is really a harmless behavior.  It is annoying at times and guests aren’t always willing to overlook this … Continue reading →


5 Most Common Dog Behavior Problems: Chewing

By Dean Vickers, Director of Animal Welfare Studies and Education at PetSafe If you have ever come home to a scene like the one above, you probably experienced several different emotions including shock, anger, sadness and frustration with your dog. … Continue reading →


5 Most Common Dog Behavior Problems: Barking

By Dean Vickers, Director of Animal Welfare Studies and Education at PetSafe As we know, dogs bark for a variety of reasons.  They may howl, whine, growl or outright bark.  There is nothing unusual about this. After all, they are … Continue reading →


The 5 Most Common Dog Behavior Problems

By Dean Vickers, Director of Animal Welfare Studies and Education at Radio Systems Corporation Does your dog constantly bark?  Chew?  Dig? Chase?  Have faith, my friend, you are not alone. This is a guideline for helping you, as a new … Continue reading →


