
What If My Dog Refuses To Walk On A Leash?

Nothing will make your dog want to move away from you more than jerking the leash and dragging him. If your dog lags, be careful not to reinforce this behavior by giving him attention when he stops. Instead, stand still facing away from your dog and put gentle pressure on the leash and wait. Praise your dog if he moves even one inch to come towards you.

Alternatively, go to the end of the leash and kneel down facing away from your dog and wait for your dog to come to you, praising him all the way.

It does not matter how long it takes for him to start walking, (although it should not be more than a minute or two), he eventually will. Then, walk another few feet away and repeat if he stops.

If your dog is afraid of leash walking, you will need to take him out for numerous confidence building training sessions on leash. You do not want to take him with you on an errand when you may be in a hurry and get frustrated with your dog. Once you have taken the time to teach your dog to enjoy leash walking, he can come along with you on all your errands.

–Dick Colman

Begging usually becomes a habit if you feed the dog from the table when he begs. He won’t leave the table if he’s reinforced for staying with tidbits. Command the dog to “settle” at the table and enforce it. He’ll tire of staring up and will soon fall asleep if you don’t reward him for begging. If you give the dog a scrap from the table, give it only when he’s in a settle position.

Some dogs are just born optimistic, and even though they have never received food from the table, they plant themselves at the table, hoping something will fall their way. Dropped food is a good beggar reinforcement, especially if you have a child who likes to make a game of dropping food on purpose. You may choose to train the dog to settle or down-stay in another room or at a distance from the table.

The dog must never bite the hand that feeds. To make sure that he doesn’t, teach him the command “easy.” Offer him a treat by holding the treat in your thumb and index finger keeping your palm toward your body and your knuckles facing the dog. If the dog grabs for the treat, give him a very loud and firm command by saying “Easy”. After a few rounds of this practice, he will generally take the food from your hand gently.

– Dick Colman

Dog Behavior Training

A dog that growls at and/or bites its owner does so for some reason, even if the behavior appears to be “unreasonable” to the owner.

Call your vet right away and schedule an appointment for a complete medical examination. Talk with your vet about testing your dogs hormonal balance, neurophysiologic functions and allergies. The test results may reveal the underlying cause. This has been especially helpful in dogs that have mood swings.

When growling or biting has erupted as a consequence of scolding or punishment for behavior such as chewing, jumping, general unruliness, or overprotection of food, these problems must be dealt with swiftly and firmly to correct the aggression it is initiating.

The dogs owner must understand that their dog growls or bites at them as a result of defensive feelings. Even the dog that growls when ordered off the couch is reacting defensively, as it feels its dominance status has been threatened.

If scolding and punishment provoke aggression, the dog is reacting to a perceived threat to its physical safety. In either of these situations, the owner’s threatening behavior is producing negative results.

If the results of a medical examination show no signs of a medical condition that would be causing this behavior, the owner will have to examine his or her own behavior closely to determine what he or she is doing to make the dog feel threatened.

If you can’t hire the services of a professional, I highly recommend you pick up a copy of Secrets of a Professional Dog Trainer! by Adam Katz for indepth instructions on dog behavior training.

Copyright 2006 by Dick Colman – All Rights Reserved
Dog Behavior Training

Dog Behavior Training – Editor’s Note

Professional Dog Trainer Adam Katz covers all the areas of dog behavior training in his ebook Secrets of a Professional Dog Trainer!

Here’s two of many satisfied customers who got great results from using the dog behavior training techniques Adam teaches.
– Dick Colman

Hi Adam,
I haven’t had a dog for 25 years, so when I decided my current lifestyle would finally make it doable, I decided to do some research to make sure I was starting out on the right foot.

(Lots of methods have changed since I last had a dog and I wanted to be current.) So months before my puppy (a Coton named “Aldo”) was even a twinkle in his mom’s eye I discovered and downloaded your book.

Since then I have re-read it and referred to it on numerous occasions. Although I have also read and used a few other books this is the one I always go to first. And I always read your regular newsletter.

I started working with Aldo from day one 8 months ago as a 12 week old puppy, even learning to heel, and he learned everything very quickly, some things faster than others. (It was also helpful that this particular breed produces a lively but mellow and attentive dog.)

I would work with him for short periods several times a day – sometimes just a few minutes, other times as long as 10 minutes – wherever I could fit it in….
(read the complete review on Adams dog behavior training website)

– Meg Sterns, Dog Owner

Hi Adam,

I am attaching a photo of me and my Best Friend – Logan. I bought your book and videos about 8 months ago now and I can tell you that they have been used tremendously.

Logan always use to pull me on my walks and I just hated it. He would not give me attention if his life depended on it. Well I finally decided that his “life did depend on it”.

I don’t mean that in a “put him to sleep” way, what I meant was that if a dangerous situation came upon us and he was not willing to provide me with the attention – or should I say respect, that I needed, then something disasterous wouldhappen.

Well Logan is such a wonderful and obedient dog. We used the remote collar for his recalls and I can say without a doubt, that Logan’s recalls are 100% solid. He now provides me with the attention that I need when walking him.

We are competing competitively in obedience and at a recent fun match, Logan received High in Trial (11 dogs entered in total). So you can only imagine how pleased I am for both myself and Logan.

It was very important for me to ensure that Logan is a well behaved and well socialized Rottweiler. He is a 2 1/2 yr. old intact male so again you can see why it is very important that I am the driver in this car and that Logan is the passenger.

Logan is an extremely high drive and well accomplished young man….

(read the complete review on the dog behavior training website)

– Gwen Haynes, Dog Owner


P.S. My professional handler on Logan also thanks you. He not only listens to me but to any one that handles him now – it was the excellent foundation training that Logan received that enables him to be passed to anyone and he will listen and respect them.

I am attaching a couple of pics. of Logan doing his obedience work with me. Just look at the attention I am getting from him. He won’t take his eyes off of me !!!

Dog Behavior Training

Dog Behavior Training – Editor’s Note

An important part of dog behavior training involves being able to read your dogs body language. Professional Dog Trainer Adam Katz shares some valuable tips on what to look for. — Dick Colman

Body Language Before Your Dog Bites…
by Adam G. Katz

Dear Adam:
After catching up on doggy email, I’ve noticed your reference to submissive posture. Your book helped more than a professional trainer I hired for my adopted Golden. We went through biting and dominance issues. The problem I am having now is I still do not trust him 100%. When he bit there really wasn’t any sign it was coming (that I noticed). Even now, the only sign that he doesn’t like something is a lowered head and sometimes a low growl (the groomer told me this). This dog growls sometimes when he is happy. It is almost like someone taught him not to make any other noise in doors. Outside he will bark. I guess the big question is how do you read a dog’s face, body, etc.?


Dear Mark,
It’s a tough situation you’ve got. You’ve really got to just pay close attention to the dog at any time you suspect she may display the aggression. The most common indicators that I used when working with clients who had aggressive dogs was to watch:

1. The mouth. A dog will always pull has mouth closed tight just before he bites.

2. Body language. The dog’s body language will get stiff and still just before he bites. Especially watch the stillness. It’s very subtle, but at the same time very noticeable once you train your eye to look for it.

There are other things that you could look for depending on the dog and the type of aggression. However, you need to recognize that there are ALWAYS cues… it’s just a matter of whether we are quick enough (or aware enough) to catch them.

To read more of my dog behavior training ramblings, read about my book: Secrets of a Professional Dog Trainer!

Adam G. Katz
Dog Behavior Training Specialist

Welcome to my dog behavior training blog. Here you will learn dog behavior training techniques that will make your dog training experience more productive and more pleasurable for you and your dog.

Dick Colman
Dog Behavior Training

