
Keep Your Dog Safe During The Fourth Of July

Category Archives: Lost Dog Behavior Tips

Noisy parades, loud music, neighborhood picnics, and, of course, fireworks, –these summertime traditions are all great fun for people, but they are traumatic and dangerous to their pets. More pets run away from home over the Fourth of July holiday … Continue reading →

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Probability VS. Possibility

Probability VS. Possibility Photo courtesy of ponsuwan/Freedigitalphotos.net At Lost Dogs Illinois, we never say never.  We have had too many surprises and unlikely scenarios play out in the last few years.  But, that being said, we have learned a few … Continue reading →

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5 Things to Do if You Have Lost Your Dog

Posted in Friendly Lost Dog Strategies, Lost Dog Behavior Tips, Shy Lost Dog Strategies | Comments Off

Where Could Your Lost Dog Be?

Although we never say never, about 90% of the dogs that are still missing will fall into one of these three categories. A great deal will depend on the breed, appearance and personality of the dog.  Is he large or … Continue reading →

Posted in Friendly Lost Dog Strategies, Lost Dog Behavior Tips, Shy Lost Dog Strategies | Comments Off

What Do Lost Dogs Eat?

Many owners worry that their lost dog will not find enough to eat. A couple of things to remember: dogs (like people) are omnivores; not carnivores (like cats). Dogs can survive without meat (of course they would prefer meat, but … Continue reading →

Posted in Friendly Lost Dog Strategies, Lost Dog Behavior Tips, Shy Lost Dog Strategies | Comments Off

Risk Factors for The Elusive Lost Dog

These are the indicating factors that will predispose a dog to shyness or elusiveness. 1) Demeanor: A shy or wary personality. Is the dog wary of strangers or men, or people wearing hats? Is he slow to warm up to … Continue reading →

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Where Could Your Lost Dog Be?

Although we never say never, about 90% of the dogs that are still missing will fall into one of these three categories. A great deal will depend on the breed, appearance and personality of the dog.  Is he large or … Continue reading →

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How To Approach Your Dog When He/She Is Lost..

Even though your dog, Snickers, has only been missing for three days, you are worried you’ll never see her again. You promise yourself you’ll never get another dog because, obviously, you can’t be trusted. You are wondering why, WHY DID … Continue reading →

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