
Dog Behavior Training MN | The Dog Whisper of MN | When Did People lose those sense of Humanity?

Beyond Dog Behavior Training in  Minneapolis, MN | Deeper than Minnesota Based Dog Psychology  | Above Dog Breed Prejudice and MN related BSL.

Know your self, understand your ethical code. Consider what fate lies ahead when people forget, become distracted, neglect the very essence that makes people,  human.

The most Simple concept or idea is often the most difficult to master in practice.

This post was inspired by a wildly popular Pit Bull advocating picture that a good friend of mine, Steve, posted on Facebook today. I put my own words to it.

Accepting and understanding that as a society, we need to allow the truth to saturate our minds, grant your self the opportunity to become open minded by stepping outside the generalized or force fed opinion/idea by an undereducated publics’ mass idea and put to work the God given right of free will. Independent from a cookie cutter belief system. Grant yourself psychological and ethical freedim by utilizing your own personal experiences, rather than relying on someone else to form an opinion for you based on skewed facts, lopsided statistics or a charismatic speech. (media and the news, extremists etc)

Something my dad has spent a lot.of time teaching me and 28 years later, I think it has sunk in, on how to be a man. this is a synopsis of what my dad has been trying to teach me through my immature ways, in my own words. I hope this helps.“Doing the right thing is hard. The wrong thing is easy. If you want to be a good person, don’t half ass it, people will be able to ”

I understood this as, you will earn respect by the hard work you put into being a good person every day.

Peraonal Validation is the seed of taking pride.in your life and clocking in with your morals every day. There is no vacation from this. You do or you don’t. This doesn’t mean you can’t though. Pride in your self is habitual. It involves consistency. Effort, a drive, a chip on your shoulder. This is the sole motivation you need to be who you should be. As a human, a man, a woman, child, dog cat or anything. Ethical behavior transcends logical reasoning, since it seems and is proven, that people can always justify their logic no matter what.  It just happens based on the actions  of your day to day essentially.

One of life’s most challenging objectives is looking beyond self preservation or personal gain. Though, be selfish enough to want to become successful in your life, relationships and goals. At the same time be selfless enough to create a ripple effect into your networks, socially and professionally as this is proven to have that domino effect on your local environment as a whole.

Step up to teach those who don’t understand while being willing to learn when you are unsure.

Below is the Facebook post:

Its an unfortunate reality for America’s general societal belief stews in a prejudice that prevails and allows a biased perception to out weigh truth and the true nature of a certain creature. I hope, as humans, we become better than that. Not.net for Pit Bulls, but all dogs, people, animals and living beings. I hope, one, the fog lifts and perceptions change, allowing us as a species to prevail honorably. I hope. -Robert Cole, The Dog Whisperer of MNFellow human and advocate for animals who walk on 4 legs or two. Not 8 though… No love for spiders….

Robert Cole
The Dog Whisperer of MN

