
Dog Info: Dog Behavior: The Neurotic Dog

A neurosis may be direct as a operable nervous infirmity with no signal of ailment of the central nervous system. Psychoneurosis is described as an “emotional maladaptation” due to unresolved unconscious conflicts , and may also be applied to describe the condition of a heap of so-called neurotic dogs. This means , to recognize a neurotic dog , we must tell apart a heap of faulty nervous behavioral functions , while ruling out physical injury or ailment , such as hydrocephalus , brain tumors , etc.

This may be done in a heap of cases through neurological examinations. Urine and blood analysis may ofttimes indicate internal chemical imbalances which are of an organic cause. On the other hand , they may also indicate the presence of severe environmental stressors. Combined with behavioral onfo , physiologic examinations power indicate a neuroses or the basis for a psychosis. For practicable purposes , a dog may be considered neurotic provided he shows signs of a operable nervous infirmity combined with behavior that is both abnormal and maladaptive for dogs in usual.

But how is a operable nervous infirmity described in behavioral terms? The following descriptions are helpful:

* The dog that fails to inhibit the orienting (alerting) rejoinder to stimuli that occurs repeatedly and are known to the animal to be neither injurious nor rewarding. These dogs are almost always in a aver of anxiety.

* The dog that responds to new objects , sounds , touches , movements and level odours with exaggerated spry or passive defensive responses. These dogs ofttimes want sufficient early sociable experience.

* The dog that fails to retain (in a heap of cases , level to develop) voluntary or involuntary conditioned reflexes. This cannot be applied to the dog’s complete behavior , but usually is pertinent to a failure to conformation and/or retain learned associations involving defence and sociable behaviorisms.

* The dog that displays hyperkinesis. Signs include immoderate salivation , elevated pulse and respiration , abnormally menial urine output , and increased power metabolism revealed through immoderate , occasionally stereotyped activity , particularly in close confinement.

* Displays fixations on objects , exhibiting ritualized behavior , usually repetitive and with no direct objective. “Obsessive-compulsive” is the current diagnostic label of choice. While it is ofttimes treated with drugs , cautious diagnosis shows that these dogs are suffering from frustration due to a want of function in their lives. They are “making work , ” and receiving internal neurochemical rewards.

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